The Om Asatoma mantra is a wonderful way to connect with the qualities of truth, light, and enlightenment. You can learn more about the Asatoma mantra in the book Sacred Sound by Alanna Kaivalya.
This mantra can be chanted in a call-and-response fashion with a harmonium (or without accompaniment) or as part of a mantra meditation practice using a mala. If chanting as part of a meditation practice, it is traditional to complete 108 repetitions of the mantra, but of course, find what feels comfortable to you!
The word mantra means mind protecting - mantras give us freedom from upsetting or unclear thought. Sound vibrations cleanse the energy channels, opening us up to more freedom energetically.
Om Asatoma Mantra
om asato ma sad gamaya Lead me from untruth to truth
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya Lead me from darkness to light
mriytor ma amritam gamaya Lead me from death to immortality
Click to listen to this mantra chanted